GIS 6005 Module 3 - Terrain of Yellowstone National Park

This is  map of Yellowstone National Park with traditional hillshade and a hand-picked thematic color scheme to represent tree cover type. The colors I selected were shades of greens and browns to represent tree types, grey for non-forested areas, and blue for water. These are all very natural colors, except for grey, which was selected to divert the eye from this area as it does not contain pertinent information to one interested in specific tree type. 
A traditional hillshade was selected instead of a multidirectional hillshade because this option puts a heavy emphasis on shaded areas, making relief more detectable at a small scale. A heavy transparency (of 37% for forested areas and more for non-forested and water) was placed on the foliage type layer to make the terrain features more visible through the color.


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